Thursday, 24 April 2014

Hope everyone had a goon filled Easter Holidays and mid-semester break!
Back to reviews this week with something for those red lovers, with the De Bortoli Premium Reserve Merlot.
Price for this 2L cask is $9.99 from Dan Murphy's.
I tried this one just for a change from white wines, and it is probably one of the better tasting red wine casks I've tried. It has a pretty nice cherry taste to it, and does have a bit of an alcoholic warmth in it. Some eastern european guys at a party suggested mixing it with Coke, which I did try, and surprisingly it tastes really good! Try a 50/50 mix with it and it tastes a bit like cherry Coke if you've ever had it.
Overall if you're willing to try red wine or you're already a fan this Merlot is a good option.
Till next time...Enjoy!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Welcome to The Goon Guide!

For the first review I will be connoisseurng Sonata Estate - Soft Fruity White, just for a change from the ol' fruity lexia...

First and foremost, the price: $8.99 from Dan Murphy's for a 4L Cask.
For the price it is a pretty decent alternative from fruity lexia, especially if your looking for a lighter and less sweet goonie. Doesn't taste too bad either, has a bit of fruity flavour, but is a bit acidic, so if you mix it use a sweeter OJ because its gonna be real sour otherwise. Its an average white wine percentage of 9.5% but your not going to really notice that alcoholic taste. 
Overall it is a pretty good goonie to try out if you haven't, especially considering its below the $10 line.